

Blog of Signaling Pathways

Mutations of the LIM protein AJUBA mediate sensitivity of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma to treatment with cell-cycle inhibitors

1298 views | Jul 23 2017

Zhang M et al. identified AJUBA, SMAD4 and RAS mutations as potential candidate biomarkers of response of HNSCC to treatment with these mitotic inhibitors. [Read the Full Post]

Xanthatin anti-tumor cytotoxicity is mediated via glycogen synthase kinase-3β and β-catenin.

0 views | Jul 22 2017

Tao L et al. provided insight into how xanthatin and related molecules could be effectively targeted toward certain tumors. [Read the Full Post]

Common and unique genetic interactions of the poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases PARP1 and PARP2 with DNA double-strand break repair pathways.

0 views | Jul 22 2017

Ghosh R et al. highlighted specific nonoverlapping functions of PARP1 and PARP2 at H2AX-deficient chromatin during replicative phases of the cell cycle and uncover a unique requirement for PARP1 in NHEJ-deficient cells. [Read the Full Post]

Src Is a Potential Therapeutic Target in Endocrine-Resistant Breast Cancer Exhibiting Low Estrogen Receptor-Mediated Transactivation

0 views | Jul 21 2017

Guest SK et al. suggested that src has differential effects in endocrine-resistant cell lines, particularly in tamoxifen resistant models, with low ER genomic activity, providing further evidence of the importance of patient selection for clinical trials testing dasatinib utility in ER+ breast cancer. [Read the Full Post]

Synergistic effects of CD44 and TGF-β1 through AKT/GSK-3β/β-catenin signaling during epithelial-mesenchymal transition in liver cancer cells

1553 views | Jul 21 2017

Park NR et al. demonstrated the synergistic interactions between CD44 and TGF-β1 in EMT induction and CSC properties through the AKT/GSK-3β/β-catenin pathway in HCC cells. [Read the Full Post]

Panobinostat induces apoptosis via production of reactive oxygen species and synergizes with topoisomerase inhibitors in cervical cancer cells

2318 views | Jul 20 2017

Wasim L et al. suggested a combination therapy using inhibitors of histone deacetylase and topoisomerase together could hold the promise for an effective targeted therapeutic strategy. [Read the Full Post]

Inhibition of the NF-κB pathway by nafamostat mesilate suppresses colorectal cancer growth and metastasis

1056 views | Jul 19 2017

Lu YX et al. suggest that nafamostat mesilate, a relatively non-toxic drug that targets NF-κB and Erk, may, in combination with oxaliplatin, represent a novel therapeutic strategy for CRC treatment. [Read the Full Post]

Persistent GP130/STAT3 Signaling Contributes to the Resistance of Doxorubicin, Cisplatin, and MEK Inhibitor in Human Rhabdomyosarcoma Cells

0 views | Jul 19 2017

Wu X et al. demonstrated that GP130/STAT3 signaling contributes to the resistance of these drugs in rhabdomyosarcoma cells. They also suggested a potentially novel cancer therapeutic strategy using the combination of inhibitors of GP130/STAT3 signaling with doxorubicin, cisplatin, or AZD6244 for rhabdomyosarcoma treatments. [Read the Full Post]

Histone deacetylase inhibitor panobinostat induces calcineurin degradation in multiple myeloma

2613 views | Jul 19 2017

Imai Y et al. findings underscore the usefulness of calcineurin-targeted therapy in MM patients, including patients who are resistant to bortezomib. [Read the Full Post]

MiR-193a-5p Targets the Coding Region of AP-2α mRNA and Induces Cisplatin Resistance in Bladder Cancers

2787 views | Jul 18 2017

Zhou J et al. concluded that miR-193a-5p induced cisplatin resistance by repressing AP-2α expression in bladder cancer cells. [Read the Full Post]

Activation of EIF4E by Aurora Kinase A Depicts a Novel Druggable Axis in Everolimus-Resistant Cancer Cells

1233 views | Jul 17 2017

Katsha A et al. indicated that AURKA plays an important role in the activation of EIF4E and cap-dependent translation. Targeting the AURKA-EIF4E-c-MYC axis using alisertib is a novel therapeutic strategy that can be applicable for everolimus-resistant tumors and/or subgroups of cancers that show overexpression of AURKA and activation of EIF4E and c-MYC. [Read the Full Post]

Effect of alpha lipoic acid on retinal ganglion cell survival in an optic nerve crush model

2691 views | Jul 17 2017

Liu R et al. conclude that the endogenous EPO/EPOR signaling pathway may contribute to the protective effects of ALA in the retina after ONC injury. [Read the Full Post]

The RNA-Binding Proteins Zfp36l1 and Zfp36l2 Enforce the Thymic β-Selection Checkpoint by Limiting DNA Damage Response Signaling and Cell Cycle Progression

2679 views | Jul 16 2017

Vogel KU et al. showed that in addition to controlling the timing of proliferation at β-selection, posttranscriptional control by Zfp36l1/l2 limits DNA damage responses, which are known to promote thymocyte differentiation. Zfp36l1/l2 therefore act as posttranscriptional safeguards against chromosomal instability and replication stress by integrating pre-TCR and IL-7 signaling with DNA damage and cell cycle control. [Read the Full Post]

METTL13 is downregulated in bladder carcinoma and suppresses cell proliferation, migration and invasion

2154 views | Jul 16 2017

Zhang Z et al. identified METTL13 as a tumor suppressor and might provide promising approaches for bladder cancer treatment and prevention. [Read the Full Post]

WISP1 overexpression promotes proliferation and migration of human vascular smooth muscle cells via AKT signaling pathway

0 views | Jul 14 2017

Lu S et al. demonstrated that Akt signaling pathway mediates WISP1-induced migration and proliferation of human VSMCs, suggesting that WISP1 may act as a novel potential therapeutic target for vascular restenosis. [Read the Full Post]

The positional identity of iPSC-derived neural progenitor cells along the anterior-posterior axis is controlled in a dosage-dependent manner by bFGF and EGF

0 views | Jul 14 2017

Zhou S et al. indicated that different concentrations of bFGF and EGF supplemented during propagation of neural rosettes are involved in altering the identity of the resultant neural cells. [Read the Full Post]

Metalloproteinase-9 contributes to endothelial dysfunction in atherosclerosis via protease activated receptor-1

1332 views | Jul 13 2017

Florence JM et al. demonstrated that metalloproteinase-9 could activate endothelial cells and induce their apoptosis via cleavage of protease activated receptor-1. In summary, better understanding of metalloproteinase-9's pathogenic capabilities as well as novel signaling pathways involved may lead to development of treatments which may provide additional benefits to atherosclerosis patients with a history of second hand smoke exposure. [Read the Full Post]

Identification of DYRK1B as a substrate of ERK1/2 and characterisation of the kinase activity of DYRK1B mutants from cancer and metabolic syndrome

1223 views | Jul 13 2017

Ashford AL et al. showed that DYRK1B is a novel ERK2 substrate, uncovering new links between two kinases involved in cell fate decisions. Finally, we show that DYRK1B mutants that have recently been described in cancer and metabolic syndrome exhibit normal or reduced intrinsic kinase activity. [Read the Full Post]

MiR-335 regulates the chemo-radioresistance of small cell lung cancer cells by targeting PARP-1

1685 views | Jul 12 2017

Luo Y et al. indicated that miR-335 may serve as a critical regulator of chemo-radiotherapy resistance in SCLC and a new potential therapeutic target. [Read the Full Post]

Tris (1, 3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate induces apoptosis and autophagy in SH-SY5Y cells: Involvement of ROS-mediated AMPK/mTOR/ULK1 pathways

1648 views | Jul 12 2017

Li R et al. provided the first evidence that TDCIPP promotes apoptosis and autophagy simultaneously and that this process involves the ROS-mediated AMPK/mTOR/ULK1 pathways. Lastly, the induction of autophagy is a protective mechanism against TDCIPP-induced apoptosis. [Read the Full Post]