

Blog of Signaling Pathways

Regulation of the mammalian maternal-to-embryonic transition by eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E

747 views | Jan 18 2022

Yan Li et al. thought that eIF4E activity was regulated at key embryonic transitions in the mammalian embryo and was essential for the successful transition from maternal to embryonic control of development. [Read the Full Post]

Novel function of THEMIS2 in the enhancement of cancer stemness and chemoresistance by releasing PTP1B from MET

472 views | Jan 18 2022

Wei-Chieh Huang et al. found that non-cytotoxic dosages of cryptotanshinone (CPT) could potently inhibit cancer stemness, chemoresistance and tumorigenicity by suppressing expression of THEMIS2. [Read the Full Post]

Vorasidenib, a Dual Inhibitor of Mutant IDH1/2, in Recurrent or Progressive Glioma; Results of a First-in-Human Phase I Trial

218 views | Jan 17 2022

Ingo K Mellinghoff et al. found that vorasidenib was well tolerated and showed preliminary antitumor activity in patients with recurrent or progressive nonenhancing mIDH LGG. [Read the Full Post]

Dual-Knockout of Mutant Isocitrate Dehydrogenase 1 and 2 Subtypes Towards Glioma Therapy: Structural Mechanistic Insights on the Role of Vorasidenib

162 views | Jan 17 2022

Preantha Poonan et al. provided thorough structural and dynamic insights associated with the dual inhibitory activity of AG-881 towards glioma therapy. [Read the Full Post]

RSL3 Drives Ferroptosis through NF- κ B Pathway Activation and GPX4 Depletion in Glioblastoma

372 views | Jan 14 2022

Shengbiao Li et al. found that the NF-κB pathway played a novel role in RSL3-induced ferroptosis in glioblastoma cells. [Read the Full Post]

Single cell transcriptomic profiling of neurodegeneration mediated by tau in a novel 3D neuron-astrocyte coculture model

533 views | Jan 14 2022

Hannah Rickner et al. demonstrated the power to model the reduction of tau pathology by drug treatment. [Read the Full Post]

Establishment of gastric signet ring cell carcinoma organoid for the therapeutic drug testing

379 views | Jan 13 2022

Guoliang Li et al. thought that gastric organoid drug models, including SRCC, were highly similar to the original tumors in phenotypic and genotypic profiling and could be as living biomarkers for drug response testing. [Read the Full Post]

Protein Kinase A (PRKA) Activity Is Regulated by the Proteasome at the Onset of Human Sperm Capacitation

370 views | Jan 13 2022

Héctor Zapata-Carmona et al. suggested that PRKAR1 was the target of PRKA regulation by the proteasome. [Read the Full Post]

The α1-adrenergic receptors in the amygdala regulate the induction of learned despair through protein kinase C-beta signaling

0 views | Jan 12 2022

Shisui Fujita et al. suggested that the α1-adrenoreceptor in amygdala regulated the induction of learned despair via PKCβ. [Read the Full Post]

Signaling Pathway of Histamine H 1 Receptor-Mediated Histamine H 1 Receptor Gene Upregulation Induced by Histamine in U-373 MG Cells

368 views | Jan 12 2022

Hiroyuki Mizuguchi et al. thought that the H1R-activated H1R gene expression signaling pathway in U-373 MG cells was different from that in HeLa cells, possibly by using different promoters. [Read the Full Post]

Interspecies Differences in Activation of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor γ by Pharmaceutical and Environmental Chemicals

187 views | Jan 11 2022

Clémentine Garoche et al. demonstrated the importance of the use of species-specific models to study endocrine and metabolism disruption by environmental chemicals. [Read the Full Post]

Combined Drug Targeting of p53-dependent and -independent Pathways Depletes Myelofibrosis Hematopoietic Stem/Progenitor Cells

270 views | Jan 11 2022

Min Lu et al. thought that treatment with ONC201 combined with RG7112 could be a potentially effective strategy for treating MF patients. [Read the Full Post]

Activation of inflammasomes by tyrosine kinase inhibitors of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor: Implications for VEGFR TKIs-induced immune related adverse events

246 views | Jan 10 2022

Hideki Imano et al. thought that activation of inflammasomes contributes to the idiosyncratic reactions associated with semaxanib and sorafenib. [Read the Full Post]

VEGFR 2 in vascular smooth muscle cells mediates H 2 S-induced dilation of the rat cerebral basilar artery

251 views | Jan 10 2022

Jinhua Chen et al. found that H2S-induced CBA dilation and reduction of [Ca2+]i in VSMCs occured by acting on VEGFR2. [Read the Full Post]

Direct P70S6K1 inhibition to replace dexamethasone in synergistic combination with MCL-1 inhibition in multiple myeloma

303 views | Jan 09 2022

Ingrid Spaan et al. thought that direct and specific inhibition of P70S6K might provide a solution for patients ineligible or insensitive to dexamethasone or other glucocorticoids. [Read the Full Post]

The MSP-RON pathway regulates liver fibrosis through transforming growth factor beta-dependent epithelial-mesenchymal transition

330 views | Jan 09 2022

Tianhao Weng et al. revealed that MSP was an important biomarker in liver cirrhosis progression and could be used to prognose patients. [Read the Full Post]

Osteoprotegerin regulates vascular function through syndecan-1 and NADPH oxidase-derived reactive oxygen species

589 views | Jan 08 2022

Rhéure Alves-Lopes et al. identified novel molecular mechanisms beyond calcification for OPG, which might underlie vascular injurious effects of osteogenic factors in conditions such as hypertension and/or diabetes. [Read the Full Post]

ECM stiffness-tuned exosomes drive breast cancer motility through thrombospondin-1

230 views | Jan 08 2022

Sejal Patwardhan et al. established the pivotal role of exosomal communication in ECM stiffness dependent cell migration with exosomal THBS1 as a master regulator of cancer invasion, which can be further exploited as a potential theranostic for improved breast cancer management. [Read the Full Post]

The Pharmacokinetic Effect of Itraconazole and Voriconazole on Ripretinib in Beagle Dogs by UPLC-MS/MS Technique

312 views | Jan 07 2022

Hui-Jun Wang et al. found that Itraconazole and voriconazole could inhibit the metabolism of ripretinib in beagle dogs and increase the plasma exposure of ripretinib. [Read the Full Post]

Disruptor of telomeric silencing 1-like promotes ovarian cancer tumor growth by stimulating pro-tumorigenic metabolic pathways and blocking apoptosis

0 views | Jan 07 2022

Suresh Chava et al. found that DOT1L promoted ovarian cancer tumor growth by regulating apoptotic and metabolic pathways as well as NK cell-mediated eradication of ovarian cancer. [Read the Full Post]