

Blog of Signaling Pathways

Pro-survival signal inhibition by CDK inhibitor dinaciclib in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia

0 views | Nov 06 2018

Chen Y et al. showed that dinaciclib targets multiple pro-survival signalling pathways in CLL, which provides a mechanistic explanation for its potent induction of apoptosis. They also support a therapeutic application of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors in CLL in combination with other relevant targeted therapies. [Read the Full Post]

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A Increases the Aqueous Humor Outflow Facility

1047 views | Nov 06 2018

Fujimoto T et al. suggested that VEGF-A may regulate the conventional aqueous outflow of SCE cells through VEGFR2. [Read the Full Post]

Treatment to sustain a Th17-type phenotype to prevent skewing toward Treg and to limit premalignant lesion progression to cancer

781 views | Nov 05 2018

Young MR et al. showed that the treatment approach not only sustained the Th17 phenotype, but also increased distal spleen cell and regional lymph node cell production of other stimulatory/inflammatory mediators and slowed premalignant lesion progression to cancer. [Read the Full Post]

Dihydroartemisinin inhibits TCTP-dependent metastasis in gallbladder cancer

746 views | Nov 05 2018

Zhang F et al. provided new insights into the therapeutic activity of Dihydroartemisinin as a treatment for gallbladder cancer metastasis. [Read the Full Post]

No preclinical rationale for IGF1R directed therapy in chondrosarcoma of bone

0 views | Nov 04 2018

Peterse EF et al. indicated that the IGF pathway is not essential for chondrosarcoma growth, migration or chemoresistance. Furthermore, IGF1R is only minimally expressed in chondrosarcoma primary tumours. Therefore, the IGF pathway is not expected to be an effective therapeutic target for chondrosarcoma of bone. [Read the Full Post]

Stathmin decreases cholangiocarcinoma cell line sensitivity to staurosporine-triggered apoptosis via the induction of ERK and Akt signaling

870 views | Nov 04 2018

Wang Y et al. indicated that understanding the regulation of anti-apoptosis effect by Stathmin might provide new insight into how to overcome therapeutic resistance in cholangiocarcinoma. [Read the Full Post]

Synergistic anti-cancer effects of epigenetic drugs on medulloblastoma cells

1164 views | Nov 03 2018

Yuan J et al. suggested that the application of HDACi in combination with drugs that target DNMT may represent a promising option for the treatment of medulloblastoma. [Read the Full Post]

Stress-induced dynamic regulation of mitochondrial STAT3 and its association with cyclophilin D reduce mitochondrial ROS production

1017 views | Nov 03 2018

Meier JA et al. outlined a role for mitochondrially localized STAT3 in sensing and responding to external stimuli. [Read the Full Post]

Vitamin D prevents articular cartilage erosion by regulating collagen II turnover through TGF-β1 in ovariectomized rats

882 views | Nov 02 2018

Li S et al. showed protective effects in OVX-induced OA partly through the TGF-β1 pathway. [Read the Full Post]

Reactivation of the p90RSK-CDC25C Pathway Leads to Bypass of the Ganetespib-Induced G2-M Arrest and Mediates Acquired Resistance to Ganetespib in KRAS-Mutant NSCLC

795 views | Nov 02 2018

Chatterjee S et al. showed protective effects in OVX-induced OA partly through the TGF-β1 pathway. [Read the Full Post]

Inhibitors of dual-specificity tyrosine phosphorylation-regulated kinases (DYRK) exert a strong anti-herpesviral activity

906 views | Nov 01 2018

Hutterer C et al. concluded that DYRK signaling represents a promising target pathway for the development of novel anti-herpesviral strategies. [Read the Full Post]

Pro-survival signal inhibition by CDK inhibitor dinaciclib in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia

1657 views | Nov 01 2018

Chen Y et al. supported a therapeutic application of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors in CLL in combination with other relevant targeted therapies. [Read the Full Post]

Steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone promotes higher calcium mobilization to induce apoptosis

1035 views | Oct 31 2018

Wang D et al. suggested that 20E and JH via different pathways regulate calcium mobilization and homeostasis at different levels, thus inform different gene expression and cellular responses. [Read the Full Post]

DYRK1B blocks canonical and promotes non-canonical Hedgehog signaling through activation of the mTOR/AKT pathway

1008 views | Oct 31 2018

Singh R et al. showed that a pharmacological approach combining a DYRK1B antagonist with an mTOR/AKT inhibitor results in strong GLI1 targeting and in pronounced cytotoxicity in human pancreatic and ovarian cancer cells. [Read the Full Post]

BIM mediates synergistic killing of B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells by BCL-2 and MEK inhibitors

0 views | Oct 30 2018

Korfi K et al. observed in B-ALL cells driven by a range of genetic abnormalities and therefore has significant therapeutic potential. [Read the Full Post]

Relaxing Effect of TSU-68, an Antiangiogenic Agent, on Mouse Airway Smooth Muscle

850 views | Oct 30 2018

Tan H et al. indicated that TSU-68 relaxes tense ASM by reducing the intracellular Ca2+ concentration through blocking VDCCs and NSCCs, which suggested that this small molecule might be useful in the treatment of abnormal smooth muscle. [Read the Full Post]

Smac mimetic with TNF-α targets Pim-1 isoforms and reactive oxygen species production to abrogate transformation from blebbishields

1780 views | Oct 29 2018

Jinesh GG et al. demonstrated that Smac mimetic in combination with TNF-α is an ideal candidate to target Pim-1 expression, inhibit ROS production and to block transformation from blebbishields. [Read the Full Post]

AT101 exerts a synergetic efficacy in gastric cancer patients with 5-FU based treatment through promoting apoptosis and autophagy

722 views | Oct 29 2018

Wei X et al. showed APE1 is guided as a potential therapeutic target for gastric cancer. AT101 could be regarded as a potent inhibitor to promote chemotherapeutic sensitivity in patients with gastric cancer. [Read the Full Post]

Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of rapidly growing mycobacteria isolated in Japan

1019 views | Oct 28 2018

Hatakeyama S et al. demonstrated the importance of correct identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing, including the testing of potential new agents, in the management of RGM infections. [Read the Full Post]

Loss of XIAP facilitates switch to TNFα-induced necroptosis in mouse neutrophils

2157 views | Oct 28 2018

Wicki S et al. may implicated an important role of neutrophils in the development of hyperinflammation and disease progression of patients diagnosed with X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome type 2, which are deficient in XIAP. [Read the Full Post]