Emibetuzumab (Anti-HGFR / c-Met)

Synonyms: LY2875358

Emibetuzumab (Anti-HGFR / c-Met) is a humanized bivalent MET antibody targeting both HGF-dependent and HGF-independent MET pathway activation and tumor growth. It can be used in study of cancer. MW :144.56 KD.

Emibetuzumab (Anti-HGFR / c-Met)

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Choose Selective c-Met Inhibitors

Name Citation c-Met Others
Foretinib 93 KDR,Tie-2,VEGFR3/FLT4
PHA-665752 91 RON,Flk1
SU11274 63
SGX-523 133
BMS-777607 56 Axl,RON,Tyro3
Tivantinib 47
JNJ-38877605 52
PF-04217903 22
MGCD-265 analog 12 RON,VEGFR2,VEGFR1
BMS-754807 50 Insulin Receptor,IGF-1R,TrkB
BMS-794833 1 VEGFR2
AMG-208 0
MK-2461 4 c-Met (Y1235D),c-Met (Y1230C),c-Met (N1100)
Golvatinib (E7050) 8 VEGFR2
AMG-458 0
Tepotinib 18
NVP-BVU972 1
Savolitinib (AZD6094) 15 p-Met
S49076 1 Mer,Axl,FGFR3
Merestinib (LY2801653) 9
AMG 337 2
NPS-1034 3 Axl
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1. "+" indicates inhibitory effect. Increased inhibition is marked by a higher "+" designation. 2. "✔" indicates inhibitory effect, but without specific value.

Biological Activity

Description Emibetuzumab (Anti-HGFR / c-Met) is a humanized bivalent MET antibody targeting both HGF-dependent and HGF-independent MET pathway activation and tumor growth. It can be used in study of cancer. MW :144.56 KD.

Product Details

CAS No. 1365287-97-3
Molecular Weight 144.56
Isotype Human IgG4SP
Source CHO
Purification AKTA
Sterility 0.2 μM filtered
Formulation 100mMPro-Ac,20mMArg-Ac,pH5.0
(From the date of receipt)
Store the undiluted solution at -20°C in the dark to avoid freeze-thaw cycles.

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