
Synonyms: Quinoline-Val-Asp-Difluorophenoxymethylketone

Q-VD-Oph (Quinoline-Val-Asp-Difluorophenoxymethylketone) is a potent pan-caspase inhibitor with IC50 ranged from 25 to 400 nM for caspases 1,3,8, and 9. Q-VD-OPh can inhibits HIV infection.

Q-VD-Oph Chemical Structure

Q-VD-Oph Chemical Structure

CAS No. 1135695-98-5

Purity & Quality Control

Products often used together with Q-VD-Oph


Q-VD-Oph inhibits caspase-3 activity and DNA fragmentation much effectively than Z-VAD-FMK in JURL-MK1 cells.

Kuzelova K, et al. J Cell Biochem. 2011 Nov;112(11):3334-42.

Memantine HCl

Q-VD-Oph treatment significantly decreases the number and percentage of apoptotic cells than the combined treatment of Q-VD-Oph and Memantine in vivo.

Aydoseli A, et al. Turk Neurosurg. 2016;26(5):783-9.


Q-VD-Oph and Necrostatin-1 combination reduces the cell death induced by pep5-cpp in HeLa cells.

Araujo CBD, et al. J Biol Chem. 2014 Jun 13;289(24):16711-26.

Q-VD-Oph Related Products

Signaling Pathway

Cell Data

Cell Lines Assay Type Concentration Incubation Time Formulation Activity Description PMID
JEG3 cells Function assay 50 μM abrogation of caspase-8 cleavage from its 55 kDa proform to its 18 kDa active fragment 28151467
MV4-11 cells Cell viability assay 25 μM 1 hour protection cells from caspase-dependent cell death 27956387
SH-SY5Y Cytotoxicity assay 5 μM 48 h Q-VD-OPh sensitizes SH-SY5Y cells to necrosis caused by cypermethrin 27007526
MEFs Function assay 20 μM  exhibited characteristic stress-induced generation and rupture of nuclear bubbles 25482068
Click to View More Cell Line Experimental Data

Biological Activity

Description Q-VD-Oph (Quinoline-Val-Asp-Difluorophenoxymethylketone) is a potent pan-caspase inhibitor with IC50 ranged from 25 to 400 nM for caspases 1,3,8, and 9. Q-VD-OPh can inhibits HIV infection.
Caspase-1 [1] Caspase-3 [1] Caspase-8 [1] Caspase-9 [1]
25 nM-400 nM 25 nM-400 nM 25 nM-400 nM 25 nM-400 nM
In vitro
In vitro Q-VD-OPh (5-100 μM) potently inhibits Actinomycin D-induced DNA laddering and subsequent apoptosis with minimal toxicity in WEHI 231 cells. Q-VD-OPh prevents caspase mediated cleavage of PARP and activation of the major initiator and effector caspases. [2] Q-VD-OPh protects cardiac myocytes from virus-induced apoptosis in vitro. [4]
Cell Research Cell lines WEHI-231 cells
Concentrations ~1000 μM
Incubation Time 4 hours
Method Caspase inhibitors are added at the indicated concentrations 30 minutes prior to the addition of apoptotic stimuli. Viability and cell number are determined by trypan blue exclusion from three random fields of greater than 200 cells/field. All experiments are performed a minimum of three times.
Experimental Result Images Methods Biomarkers Images PMID
Western blot pS-Akt / Akt / pS6 / LC3B 24682219
Immunofluorescence LC3B 24682219
In Vivo
In vivo Q-VD-OPh inhibits caspase-1 activity, IL-18 protein expression, and neutrophil infiltration during ischemic ARF in mice. [3] In vivo, caspase inhibition by Q-VD-OPh provides protection from virus-induced myocardial injury, with a significant reduction in caspase-3 activity. [4] In TgCRND8 mice, Q-VD-OPh inhibits caspase-7 activation and limits the pathological changes associated with tau, including caspase cleavage. [5]
Animal Research Animal Models C57BL/6 mice
Dosages ~120 mg/kg
Administration Intraperitoneal administration

Chemical Information & Solubility

Molecular Weight 513.49 Formula
CAS No. 1135695-98-5 SDF Download Q-VD-Oph SDF
Smiles CC(C)C(C(=O)NC(CC(=O)O)C(=O)COC1=C(C=CC=C1F)F)NC(=O)C2=NC3=CC=CC=C3C=C2
Storage (From the date of receipt)

In vitro

DMSO : 100 mg/mL ( (194.74 mM) Moisture-absorbing DMSO reduces solubility. Please use fresh DMSO.)

Ethanol : 100 mg/mL

Water : Insoluble

Molecular Weight Calculator

In vivo

Add solvents to the product individually and in order.

In vivo Formulation Calculator

Preparing Stock Solutions

Molarity Calculator

Mass Concentration Volume Molecular Weight

In vivo Formulation Calculator (Clear solution)

Step 1: Enter information below (Recommended: An additional animal making an allowance for loss during the experiment)

mg/kg g μL

Step 2: Enter the in vivo formulation (This is only the calculator, not formulation. Please contact us first if there is no in vivo formulation at the solubility Section.)

% DMSO % % Tween 80 % ddH2O

Calculation results:

Working concentration: mg/ml;

Method for preparing DMSO master liquid: mg drug pre-dissolved in μL DMSO ( Master liquid concentration mg/mL, Please contact us first if the concentration exceeds the DMSO solubility of the batch of drug. )

Method for preparing in vivo formulation: Take μL DMSO master liquid, next addμL PEG300, mix and clarify, next addμL Tween 80, mix and clarify, next add μL ddH2O, mix and clarify.

Method for preparing in vivo formulation: Take μL DMSO master liquid, next add μL Corn oil, mix and clarify.

Note: 1. Please make sure the liquid is clear before adding the next solvent.
2. Be sure to add the solvent(s) in order. You must ensure that the solution obtained, in the previous addition, is a clear solution before proceeding to add the next solvent. Physical methods such
as vortex, ultrasound or hot water bath can be used to aid dissolving.

Tech Support

Answers to questions you may have can be found in the inhibitor handling instructions. Topics include how to prepare stock solutions, how to store inhibitors, and issues that need special attention for cell-based assays and animal experiments.

Handling Instructions

Tel: +1-832-582-8158 Ext:3
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