Obinutuzumab (anti-CD20)

Synonyms: Gazyva, GA101, Gazyvaro, Afutuzumab

Obinutuzumab (anti-CD20) (Gazyva, GA101, Gazyvaro, Afutuzumab) is a novel, type II, glycoengineered, humanized anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody that has been developed for lymphocytic leukemia and lymphoma of B-cell origin. MW : 146.1 kD.

Obinutuzumab (anti-CD20)

Click to purchase the isotype control of Obinutuzumab (anti-CD20)

Purity & Quality Control

Batch: Purity: 99.65% Protein concentration: 5 mg/ml Endotoxin Level: ≤1 EU/mg

Choose Selective CD markers Inhibitors

Name Citation CD38 CD45 CD39 CD88 CD73 Others
RBN013209 0
MK-0159 0
CD38 inhibitor 1 (compound 78c) 5
AB680 0
NQ301 1 TXA2 receptor
SodiuM Metatungstate 3
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1. "+" indicates inhibitory effect. Increased inhibition is marked by a higher "+" designation. 2. "✔" indicates inhibitory effect, but without specific value.

Biological Activity

Description Obinutuzumab (anti-CD20) (Gazyva, GA101, Gazyvaro, Afutuzumab) is a novel, type II, glycoengineered, humanized anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody that has been developed for lymphocytic leukemia and lymphoma of B-cell origin. MW : 146.1 kD.
In Vitro
In vitro

GA101 is the first Fc-engineered, type II humanized IgG1 antibody against CD20. Relative to rituximab, GA101 has increased direct and immune effector cell-mediated cytotoxicity and exhibits superior activity in cellular assays and whole blood B-cell depletion assays.[3]

Cell Research:

Objective: Annexin V/PI FACS assay
Cells: NHL cell lines
Concentrations: 10 μg/mL
Incubation Time: 36 hr
Method: For CD40 stimulation of hCD20 cells from transgenic mice, red blood cells (RBCs) are removed by hypotonic ammonium-chloride-potassium (ACK) lysis, and untouched splenic B cells are purified by anti-CD43–mediated depletion of non-B cells (MACS). B cells are incubated in conditioned complete RPMI 1640 medium containing 10% fetal bovine serum for 2 hours (with or without 10 μg/mL mitogenic stimulation) and either anti-CD40 or anti-IgM Fab2 antibodies. This is followed by 36 hours of anti-CD20 stimulation (GA101 or rituximab 10 μg/mL). As positive controls for the induction of cell death, the following agents are used: 100nM staurosporine for mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis, or 1 μg/mL anti-CD95 Fas for the extrinsic induction of apoptosis.

Obinutuzumab can apply to humanized mice (eg:SCID beige mice), peripheral blood and other related assays (Only for Reference)

In Vivo
In vivo

In human lymphoma xenograft models, GA101 exhibits superior antitumor activity, resulting in the induction of complete tumor remission and increased overall survival. In nonhuman primates, GA101 demonstrates superior B cell–depleting activity in lymphoid tissue, including in lymph nodes and spleen.[3]

Animal Research

Objective: Tumor control ratio (TCR) and tumor growth inhibition (TGI)
Animal Models: 4- to 8-week-old female SCID beige mice
Formulation: --
Dosages: 30 mg/kg
Administration: i.p.

Objective: NHL xenograft studies in SCID beige mice
Animal Models: 4 to 5-week-old female SCID beige mice
Formulation: --
Dosages: 10 mg/kg, 30 mg/kg
Administration: i.p.

Obinutuzumab can apply to humanized mice (eg:SCID beige mice), peripheral blood and other related assays (Only for Reference)

Product Details

CAS No. 949142-50-1
Isotype Human IgG1 isotype control
Source Humanized (from mouse)
Formulation PBS buffer, pH 7.2
(From the date of receipt)
Store the undiluted solution at 4°C in the dark to avoid freeze-thaw cycles

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